Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Preparing Your Home For Sale

1. The exterior of your home is extremely important in attracting the right attention when listing on the sales market. It is the first things that people will see and as such should impart the atmosphere and feeling that you want the home to convey. To convey that sense of awe and put forth an impressive facade try to imagine that your home is going to be on the cover of a home magazine. How should it look in the picture? Now use that as a guide as you go about shaping up the yard and home.

2. New paint is always a good selling point and an attractive touch. New paint can make a home look years younger and newer. Be sure to paint in a neutral color as aggressive colors can alienate a large number of buyers. Next, tend to the yard. Make sure that the lawn is cut and the edges trimmed neatly. The neater they yard, the better the home will look. Take some time to remove any excess clutter or debris that has built up over the years and get rid of it.
Another good idea is to redo the paved area of the yard. Over time weeds can crack cement and make it look unsightly. If you want to make the drive and walk look as good as new, resurfacing with an asphalt surface adds a clean aesthetic note to a yard. At this time you can also add new topsoil and mulch to the gardens. Mulch is a great idea as it will keep weeds from growing back and making a mess of gardens. Try using a dark mulch as the dark color will set off the new flowers that you should plant nicely!

3. This is also a great time to see to the roof. Ensure that the gutters are clear and clean. Also, have the roof checked out. One thing that is a great selling point is anew roof with a warranty. If there are any problems with the roof, know they they will come up during the home inspection and smart buyers will likely have subjects that concern the replacement of the roof or a large discount if it needs replacing or fixing. If you are aware of any concerns ahead of time you can better prepare for dealing with them. Now get to it!